Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

of the Gospel
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16 (ESV)

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How to Present the Gospel
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
We know we are supposed to evangelize, but how many of us actually do it? One thing that holds many of us back is that we just don't feel we have a good grip on actually presenting the gospel message. When we share our faith with someone, we do not necessarily need to present the complete gospel message immediately. But whether initially or subsequently, it is something we all should be able to do, and to be able to do so coherently and comfortably.
If you don't already have an approach for presenting the gospel that you are comfortable with, why not latch on to a tried and tested approach that you like? Here we present several "methods." Consider checking them out and picking out one you are most comfortable with. The linked pages contain all the information you need, unless otherwise noted.
The following observations apply to most of the methods presented.
Drawing or displaying a diagram, chart or picture has multiple benefits. It helps you, the presenter, remember all the topics or components to cover. And many people are more visual than auditory. If drawing out by hand, you can give the end product to the person you are witnessing to.
Most of these methods are summarized in a short document that can be printed on a single sheet of paper. This is very handy, whether you simply use it to refresh your memory, or choose to give a copy to people. Links are provided for such documents.
There are videos available (links provided), which can be used either for your own instruction or to show directly to your "target."
Practice, practice, practice. Actually, based on my own experience, it doesn't take many practice runs to get the approach down pat. That is, as long as you have selected a method that you are comfortable with.
Want to know how to both practice and witness at the same time? Just tell a person on your target list that you are learning evangelism methods in church and you are wondering if they would let you practice it on them. You don't have to wait for, and possibly never encounter, the "perfect" opportunity.
Gospel Presentation Methods
While I cannot overemphasize the importance of finding an approach that you are comfortable with, don't use that as a excuse to not find any approach. Check out the following and pick your favorite, even if none seem perfect.
Personal Testimony - Personal Testimony an essential component of effective witnessing, and can be used in conjunction with any of the following gospel presentation methods. Every Christian should be able to give their personal testimony. Here we present a complete package on putting together a personal testimony and how to use it effectively.
3 Circles - This a product of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. While this, being a SBC product, is the approach we are focusing on in the FBCBF Life Groups, there are plenty of other approaches. However, all the methods have videos that can be shown.
The Bridge to Life - From The Navigators (also known as The Bridge Illustration) this method has been around for some time, and based on internet comments, is very popular.
One-Verse Evangelism - Also from The Navigators, this method is somewhat similar to The Bridge, but obviously it relies on a single verse (easy to remember - you probably already know it). Click on the link to find out which one!
Four Spiritual Laws - Not strictly speaking "laws," these were put together by Dr. Bill Bright back in 1957 and, along with a tract, have been used to present the gospel to many millions. The tract isn't essential.
Romans Road (The Roman Road) - Presenting the gospel exclusively (or primarily) using verses from Romans. There is a basic outline and verses to go with it. Versions vary in both the outline and the verses, so you will need to pick and choose.
The Good Person Test - Given how many people think that being "basically good" will get them into heaven, this is a very useful approach to presenting the gospel. But take care. People do not like being told they aren't as good as they think they are. More at the link.
Do vs Done - Very simple, very brief. Possibly too brief, unless you flesh it out or use in conjunction with another method. But so simple that it is a handy tool to have in your toolbox.
EvangeCube - This method requires an accessory, namely an EvangeCube.
FAITH Evangelism - This is an entire course on evangelism rather than just a method for presenting the gospel. But the FAITH acronym can be used as a stand-alone presentation of the gospel.
Android and / or iPhone Apps - This is the easy way out. Just present the gospel message using an app. When putting together the above material, I only found an app for the 3 Circles. It turns out there are quite a few more. Check them out and some to put on your phone. Note that included are several apps that provide tools and training for evangelism, not just presentations of the gospel. This page has much information but is still under construction.
Videos - There are various videos,either presenting one of the above methods or describing how to present them, and these videos are included along with the other information for each gospel presentation method. But there are also presentations of the gospel on video that don't follow any particular "method." Some are excellent, and if your "target" is interested enough to watch, you may find some very helpful.
(more to come)
That Reminds Me: In researching gospel presentation methods, I have encountered a number of criticisms of various approaches. These criticisms typically boil down to one of the following:
I have a preferred presentation method and therefore all the other approaches are lacking.
There needs to be more emphasis on sanctification and life-change.
The best gospel presentation is the one you are comfortable with and are willing to use. Here is a great article on the topic: The Best Method for Sharing the Gospel. It emphasizes that knowing and understanding the key components should come before settling on a particular method - more on this below.
The whole topic of sanctification can wait.
That said, some imagine that if they get someone to pray the Salvation Prayer (aka the Sinners Prayer) their job is done. But the task has just begun. Here is a good article on the prayer, and more importantly on the follow-up: Salvation Prayer: Become a Follower of Jesus Christ Today. And while the typical version of the prayer contains references to key components of the gospel message, it does not explain them. The prayer is no substitute for a more thorough presentation of the gospel.
It hardly matters what "method" we use if we don't have a decent grasp on just what the basic gospel message actually is. Presenting the gospel via a method, no matter how good, is not going to be very effective if we cannot answer simple questions that might come up. While "I don't know, I'll give it some thought and get back to you" is an acceptable answer, why resort to that when it is pretty easy to master the basics? The methods themselves include most of the basics, but what if you still feel ill-prepared? The following sites collectively not only describe the components of the basic gospel message, they also provide information on some of the above presentation methods and additional ones, often with accompanying links.
4 Compelling Illustrations to Share the Gospel - I like this. It is brief, with a description of the basic components of the gospel message along with descriptions of 4 presentation approaches.
20+ Simple Ways to Share the Gospel - Yes, really. I like this because it covers some very simple approaches along with good tips. Personal testimony can be the most effective approach. But what should it include? Read this and find out. And that is just one example.
What are the essentials of the gospel message? - If you google the topic, you will find there is not a single, universally accepted answer. I like this one.
Sharing the Gospel: Simple Presentation Tools - In addition to referencing a number of presentation methods, this site includes some useful "How to's" that apply no matter what method you choose.

Click on image for link to Real Christianity
For the faint of heart, there are other ways to get started carrying out the Great Commission. Check out our page on Easy Evangelism.
Memory Verse Cards
Our standard evangelism verses should do the trick. These verses are used by almost all Gospel Presentation Methods, so these verses are handy to memorize or at least have on hand in case you need them. As always, you can download the following Word document, print two-sided, flipping on the long edge. If your printer can handle card stock, use it.
Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (ESV)
Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (NASB)