Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

Christian Resources
Resources are in the midst of some reorganizing. Expect frequent changes. Recommendations welcome.
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.
Perhaps the title is confusing, but what Lewis is referring to are the basics of Christianity - the fundamentals that practically every Christian can agree on. Each chapter was actually presented on radio during WWII and written for that medium. Hence the rather folksy style. But Mere Christianity is not merely (ha, ha) an exposition of the basic tenets of the Christian faith, it is also a great work of apologetics - a defense of the faith. And it is a great tool for persuading the skeptic (especially those of an intellectual bend) - if you can get them to read it. Chuck Colson became a believer as a result of reading Mere Christianity. The is a great volume for the inquirer and the beginning or mature Christian alike.
Availble in numerous forms and editions at Amazon.
Some Google searches may find the audio of one or two of the original radio broadcasts, but few remain.
The Case for Christ
The Case for Faith
The Case for a Creator
The Case for Grace
The Case for the Real Jesus
The Case for Hope all by Lee Strobel.
The subtitles for most of these books begins with 'A Journalist Investigates' or words to that effect. And that is the approach the author takes - as a skeptic who decides to examine the evidence and come to a conclusion based on that evidence. Of course, evidence that may be convincing to person A may not persuade person B. An atheist is unlikely to be persuaded by Strobel's 'case.' But for an inquirer, the evidence might well be persuasive. And for believers, the 'cases' presented in these books is likely to help your evangelism efforts, even if you can't persuade you non-believing friends to read the books themselves.
The Case for Christ (available from Amazon) is the book to start with. You can find all the books, as well as kid's versions for several, here at Amazon.
That the World May Know by Ray Vander Laan.
Ray Vander Laan has led trips to the Holy Land for many years. Finally, his lectures were filmed and made available in a number of volumes of lectures. Perhaps not as good as actually travelling to the Holy Land, these are the next best thing. Interesting and easy to watch, you'll learn a lot. This may not qualify as beginner material - the participants in his tours are certainly not beginners - but for Christians who are loking for some more solid food, this is great stuff. There are a LOT of lectures in this series, so why not just buy (or borrow) the first colume and check it out?
Ray's website is here. You can also purchase these DVDs here and here.
(recommended by Karen P)
Having created a set of pages on Islam, it occurred to me that not everyone visiting this site necessarily has a firm grip on just what Christianity is all about. So, with the goal of giving equal time to Christianity (well, Christianity will get a lot more time because we will delve into things in much greater detail), here goes.
History of Christianity includes a brief definition of Christianity along with a timeline of major events.
Basic Beliefs (under construction - more to come) covers the foundation beliefs with an effort to separate those that are absolutely fundamental (all genuine Christians believe) from those that some branches of the Christian church may consider fundamental, but others not.
Why Beome a Christian? (and How). Regarding becoming a Christian, I have heard people say that it is too late for them - but maybe their children can become Christians and be saved. It is never too late - all you need is the desire. Those who make such a statement either fail to understand what Christianity is all about or simply don't really want to make such a commitment (or both).
We of the UnShackled Life Group at First Baptist Church of Black Forest are Southern Baptists and will happily accept the label of being 'evangelical Christians.' For more about what that means, here is our page on Evangelical Christianity.