Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

of the Gospel
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16 (ESV)

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The original "EvangeCube" is a cube made up of 8 smaller cubes that can be folded and rearranged in a variety of ways. Using the cube, you can present the gospel message via a series of images, by manipulating the cube.
Of course, to present the gospel this way, you have to purchase a cube. It is available from a number of places - just do a web search on "evangecube." Here is a link to EvangeCube at Amazon. I saw an EvangeCube years ago. I thought it was a little gimmicky, but cute. Based on the reviews at Amazon, lots of people love it.
The actual vendor for the EvangeCube is e3 Resources. Check out the preceding link for a bigger variety of cubes, as well as tracts and other evangelism aids. The tracts mimic the cube, but being tracts, are easier to carry around than a cube.
So how does one present the gospel using the EvangeCube? Here you go:
The instructions are a pdf that shows the sequence of images displayed for presenting the gospel, along with text and associated Bible verses.
One nice aspect of the EvangeCube is that mere carrying one with you can cause people to ask you what it is. What a great opportunity! You can tell them that it is an tool for presenting the Christian gospel and ask if they'd like you to show them how it works.
This video is a presentation of the gospel using the EvangeCube. Although it can be helpful for learning how to use the EvangeCube, it is not specifically a "how-to" video.
Was the previous video a little long? Here is someone rattling through the entire message in less than a minute.
If you have an concerns about your ability to present the EvangeCube, here is a 3 year old who is up to the task.

(click on any image for a larger view)

This version of the EvangeCube may be a little big for you, but who knows? Whatever works!
Memory Verse Cards
A wide variety of verses can be used with "Do vs Done." Our regular set of Evangelism cards should do the trick. As always, you can download the following Word document(s), print two-sided, flip on long edge. If your printer can handle card stock, use it.
Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (ESV)
Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (NASB)