Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

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Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

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Oct 2019 - Sep 2020
(09/29/2020) Joe Biden Claims 6,000 Military Members Dead From COVID. The Real Number Is 7. I present this as an example of what is very common. A significant portion of our country accepts lies that support their narrative (Trump is bad) because they believe that their narrative is of far greater value than the truth. This attitude can only lead to disaster. The only good "narrative" is one that can be confirmed by facts, truth and reality.
(09/29/2020) Mail-In Fraud Update #72,346,598: Queens Voters Receiving Military Absentee Ballots. The problem isn't necessarily fraud, it could be mere incompetence. But the consequences are the same: how can we have any confidence in the election results given what we have seen regarding vote by mail. However, ballot harvesting is fraud and we see evidence of a lot of that, as well. And people have received multiple ballots. Honest people vote just once, the dishonest vote multiple times. Do we want our elections decided by dishonest people? The whole thing is a farce!
(09/26/2020) Amy Coney Barrett and Who We Are as a Nation. Good news. May she be approved, and quickly.
(09/24/2020) Politics Is Destroying Your Soul. A woman has decided to become a Satanist in order to prevent America from becoming a theocracy - or something. I find it remarkable how many things the Left fears the Right is going to do when I, a card carrying member of the Right, know not a single person who wishes to do what they claim.
(09/23/2020) Biden Voters Reportedly Attack Home of Trump Supporters in Minnesota. Arson, three vehicles and garage destroyed. They had a large Trump sign in their yard, and the firefighters observed "Biden 2020" freshly spray painted on the garage. This is what we are dealing with, and anyone who thinks it will all go away if Biden is elected is no student of history.
(09/23/2020) US Mail Found in Ditch in Rural Wisconsin — Included Absentee Ballots. No matter how the election goes, can anyone have any confidence at all in the results if a significant portion of the country is voting by mail? But the Democrats are clearly expecting that any problems, including fraud, will work in their favor. Note that you will almost never see stories such as this in the MSM. I wonder why?
(09/23/2020) WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: CNN’s ‘Don Lemon Said the Quiet Part Out Loud.’ And what was that? That Democrats should blow up the entire system. Isn't that exactly what they are encouraging right now?
(09/23/2020) Our “Non-Partisan” Media At Work. Trump has yet to appoint anyone to replace Justice Ginsburg, but the media is already hard at work attacking and trying to discredit potential replacements. Especially Amy Coney Barrett, as she is considered the most likely choice. How? Simply by quoting "critics" and making a big deal of it. Why no articles quoting supporters? Because that doesn't fit the narrative. Funny how the Democrats are hard at work taking away First, Second and Fourth Amendment rights, and they scream that conservative judges are the ones who are going to take away your rights. What rights would those be? Abortion? For men to use the women's bathroom? To riot, burn and commit mayhem in the name of "peaceful" protests? Just askin'.
(09/23/2020) Looting a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society, California D.A. says. In other words, looting is perfectly OK if you "needed" the stuff, or depending on various other circumstances.
(09/22/2020) Carlson: Democrats Know ‘Talk About Ginsburg’s Dying Wish Is Ridiculous and Insulting to All of Us and Our Country.' There is a lot more in the article and that "more" should frighten you much more than Ginsburg's "dying wish."
(09/11/2020) How to Explain Christians’ Support for Trump? ‘Former Evangelical’ Philosopher Says ‘Trump’s B***h’ Covers It. The reason evangelicals support Trump is very simple. The reason all sorts of non-evangelicals feel compelled to explain our support is also very simple. It is another opportunity to trash evangelicals while displaying their total ignorance and total willingness to lie and slander those who stand in the way of their destruction and taking over of our country.
(09/05/2020) “They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020. Two things make me believe this prediction. First, it is VDH, and second, they are already trying to do it.
(09/03/2020) Prominent Democrats openly call for violence, riots, and uprisings. They are all on video doing this, but you can be certain that the MSM downplays or ignores all such evidence. After all, the narrative is now that Trump is the cause of all the violence.
(09/03/2020) Coming Soon to Our Nation’s Capital: A Comprehensive Purge. We laughed and sneered when the Soviets re-wrote history to suit their latest "narrative." And now we have a major movement in the United States to do exactly what we used to think was insanely absurd.
(08/30/2020) CNN’s Don Lemon says 'cultist' Trump supporters need to be ‘deprogrammed’ before voting. I would argue rather that Biden supporters need to understand the difference between narratives and reality and to come down on the side of truth and reality. I'm not holding my breath, but some may be doing just that.
(08/30/2020) Meet the Democrats’ Newest Strategist. In short, looting is a good thing. To bad she didn't come out with her book before the Democrats realized that looting an rioting is going to hurt them at the ballot box.
(08/29/2020) A Tyranny Perpetual and Universal? I suppose we might find out if Trump loses. I pray it doesn't come to that, but if we elect Biden, we probably deserve it.
(08/29/2020) President Trump Offers a Choice Between Loving and Destroying America. That pretty much sums it up. The Democrats are offering the same choice, but won't admit what side they are on.
(08/26/2020) Believers still backing Trump … and here's why. Start with the fact that Democrats are either hostile to Christianity or see it primarily as a tool to promote their political agenda. If that isn't enough, there is plenty more.
(08/25/2020) 30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America. This is written by a theologian that my wife and I have a lot of respect for.
(08/22/2020) God? Who’s That? This article is, of course, referring to the Democrat Party.
(08/22/2020) Trump and the Christian Voter .
(08/20/2020) FNC’s Carlson Highlights Parts of the DNC That Democrats Don’t Want You to See. No, they don't. And with good reason. But we need to know what they really think. You won't like it.
(08/18/2020) Michelle Obama Has a Raging Case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. She isn't the only one, of course. But I get a little annoyed when these people make all kinds of negative assertions about Trump and back then up either with nothing at all or with lies. Trump is in over his head and doesn't know what he is doing? Back it up! You can't. You and your ilk and your enablers in the media simply think that continual repition will make it true. Or at least sucker enough people.
(08/16/2020) Major Development In Durham Probe Ignored During CNN, MSNBC Primetime Coverage. Of course. They do not seee their job as informing the public. Their job is to influence the public. In a progressive direction.
(08/13/2020) I can’t figure out why Biden picked Kamala. Good article, but I doubt it was Biden who picked her.
(08/11/2020) 5 Things to Know About Biden's VP Pick, Kamala Harris. To be fair, there are a lot of other things we should all know, as well. And we can be sure the MSM is not going to tell us about them. Update: If you can believe it: The New York Times describes VP pick Kamala Harris as ‘a pragmatic moderate.’
(08/05/2020) Blackburn: ‘Unbelievable’ How Dems Refuse to Condemn Violent Protests. Yes, it is unbelievable. Do we want to put in power a party that believes that violence to promote their agenda is legitimate? Apparently half the country thinks so. Let us pray that those numbers shrink before November. Note also that the same party that promotes violence also promotes voter fraud on their own behalf.
(08/04/2020) 2020: The Thelma and Louise Election. Good article. Are we just going to drive off the cliff? Or are we going to own up to our mistakes and get back on the right path?
(08/04/2020) John Lewis Funeral Was a Political Event. Of course it was. The Left turns everything they touch into politics. There is not a single area that the Left does not make political. Not. A. Single. One.
(08/04/2020) Obama Defends Mob Rule. Of course he does. The mob is on the side of the Democrats. At least, they think it is.
(08/04/2020) Cotton: ‘There Is a Grave Danger of Fraud from Mail-in Balloting’ There most certainly is and the recent New York and New Jersey experiences bear this out. But, no, we are assured that there is and will be no fraud. In the meantime, Nevada is not only allowing "ballot harvesting," they are now allowing ballots to be filled out in nursing homes and ballots submitted without the patient either filling out or signing the ballot.
(08/03/2020) Obama Endorses Manipulating History For Political Ends. Interesting how everything that stands in the way of the progressive agenda is a result of systemic racism. Truth is literally rejected by the Left because their agenda simply cannot be supported by facts, reality and truth.
(07/30/2020) Politics Won’t Save Us. Well, I agree that politics, in and of itself, will not save us. But God uses people, and that includes politicians. We need to change our culture and that requires revival. God's help is essential and we need to be praying for it. But politics is a major front in the battle to reclaim our culture and to turn our country back to God. We need to be fighting on that front as well as on other fronts. We shouldn't look to politics alone to save us, neither should we ignore it. It is a critical front in a multi-front war.
(07/30/2020) Why Electing Joe Biden Will Make The Culture War Even Worse. Most of the action on the culture war has come from the Left, and it will continue no matter who wins. But we on the Right need to start doing a better job of fighting back, and we need to do so no matter who wins.
(07/30/2020) Barr’s Testimony May Have Revealed Another Obama-Biden Scandal. Surely this cannot be true. I have been assured by many that the Obama administration was scandal free.
(07/26/2020) Church Authorities Order Father Frank Pavone to Resign from Role in Trump Campaign.
(07/26/2020) Our Hateful Establishment. This is directed at the CDC which, in my opinion, has done and is doing a terrible job. Why? Because they are bureaucrats with a political agenda. This is a double whammy, they are more concerned with preserving their cushy jobs and fiefdoms and with pushing a political agenda than with doing their jobs - controlling diseases, which supposedly is their job. Sad to say, this is not unique to the CDC. There are almost no government agencies that do a good job of whatever the stated purpose of the agency is.
(07/26/2020) Every Democratic senator refuses to comment to Daily Caller about whether they support removal of George Washington statues. The crazies have taken over the Democrat party. Even the less crazy in the party are submitting - or at least they are not resisting.
(07/24/2020) Like Rats, Democrats Feeding on Despair. True.
(07/19/2020) GOP Wins Court Case, Keeping Florida Ballot Harvesting Ban in Place. Mail in ballots with "harvesting" is an invitation to fraud. Why? Because it is so easy to commit! Shucks, our oldest who has lived in CA for years still get a ballot mailed to us in CO. If I wanted, I could easily forge an acceptable signature, vote his ballot, and the odds of getting caught are nil. And that totally excludes organized fraud, which is what ballot harvesting is all about.
(07/19/2020) CNN Pushes Joe Biden As A ‘Man Of Faith’ Who Can Win Over Evangelical Voters. Good grief. Do they really believe this nonsense? Why would an evangelical support someone who believes in taxpayer funded abortions right up to (and after?) birth? And that is just for starters. Their evidence for Biden being a man of faith is weak sauce, indeed.
(07/13/2020) Trump Needs to Scale the Real Wall of 2020. Victor Davis Hanson article, so you know it is good.
(07/09/2020) Don Lemon Wants to Put Obama on Mount Rushmore. Trump Would Be a Better Choice. Well, I don't believe anyone should get a statue or the equivalent during their lifetimes, but I cannot think of a president less deserving than Obama. Just name one positive accomplishment of his administration. Race relations? Nope. Obamacare? Nope. Iran deal? Definitely not.
(07/09/2020) Americans Are Hungry for the Fight. By "Americans" we are talking about patriotic Americans that truly love our country. I am pretty anxious to fight, beyond pontificating on the web. But I am not exactly sure what I should be doing. I believe that one reason some states are continuing their shutdowns (even though the virus has clearly eases in deaths and severity), is to keep the law-abiding types from doing anything in response to the mobs. Every election seems to be the most important one ever (except maybe 1860). But this one really does. The mask has come off the Democrats, though the MSM is working hard to put that mask back on. To call them socialists is far too benign a term. If we put them in power, very bad things are going to happen. Maybe that is what is necessary to wake us up, but I pray that we are awakened (not "woke") in time to prevent that outcome come November.
(07/09/2020) Four Toledo City Council members, all Democrats, arrested by FBI on bribery charges. Rest assured, you'd already have heard about this if they had been Republicans.
(07/08/2020) Ilhan Omar Should Be Expelled from House for Threatening to 'Tear Down' Our Political System, But Won’t Be. Well, she should be and she won't be. She has clearly violated her oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. But then, quite a few Democrats have done the same and not a single Democrat will vote to expel a fellow Democrat no matter how egregious their behavior.
(07/08/2020) WaPo reporter helps Rep. Ilhan Omar spin comment about wanting to dismantle economic and political ‘system of oppression.’ To put it simply, the media takes totally clear and benign statements by conservatives and tell us that what they really meant was racist. And they take totally clear and disgraceful statemnts by Democrats and explain that we are misinterpreting them and they are totally benign, in spite of their clear meaning.
(07/08/2020) Biden says he would use federal power to require Americans to wear masks in public. I suppose he could do it under the Emergency Powers Act (or whatever it is), but isn't it remarkable that it is Trump that is the authoritarian. All the Democrats tell us so. And Democrats will only order us around and circumvent the Constitution for our own good! CS Lewis was right: the worst totalitarians of all are the ones who imagine they are doing it all for our own good. There is no limit to what they will do.
(07/08/2020) Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities. Good idea. If universities were doing a good job at producing a good "product," they would be able to stand on their own without government money. Guess what? They aren't doing a good job and as a result are critically dependent on that money. Cut it off. They'll either improve their product, or they'll die. Either way is a win.
(07/06/2020) Atlanta mayor says Trump’s ‘lack of leadership’ is playing out as violence in her city (and Chicago). One of the biggest problems in America today is that so many individuals refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions and the resulting consequences. Even worse is that our so called leaders refuse to take any responsibility for their own actions (or lack thereof). Trump is to blame for everything. He is to blame for riots and arson, he is to blame for governors sending infected patients back to nursing homes, he is responsible for dramatically increasing violent crime. How about putting the blame where it belongs? On mayors, city councils and governors - the ones calling for defunding the police, ordering police to stand back from rioters, the ones issuing draconian virus restrictions and more? The ones who refuse to request the National Guard to help restore order. How about the ones who excuse the "peaceful" protesters claiming that protests have to be violent? The fact is that many politicians (mostly Democrats) have failed miserably to do their jobs and they have the gall to accept no responsibility whatsoever. Rather, they blame everything on the president who, constitutionally, is not responsible in the slightest.
(07/02/2020) Democrat Congressional Candidate: Report Trump Supporters!. To borrow from rocker Joe Walsh, anyone who thinks that the Democrats are not trying to silence all opposition is living a life of illusion.
(07/02/2020) This says it all about what the Democrat Party has become. You may have been a lifelong Democrat, but they no longer deserve your vote. The GOP ad just made itself! Watch as Dem senators object to Sen. Mike Lee’s resolution condemning mob violence. They apparently cannot bring themselves to condemn criminal behavior because it is their guys doing it.
(07/02/2020) The Minneapolis effect. We know BLM doesn't are a whit for black lives because the reduction in policing (and they are demanding far more) is costing large numbers of black lives. BLM is nothing but a Marxist political movement stirring up racial tension to pursure a purely political, extreme Left agenda. It says a lot about the Democrats that the y are actively supporting BLM, and it says a lot about the GOP that few are condemning BLM. Here are some specifics: Black Lives Matter ‘Trying to Hijack’ Consevation About Justice for George Floyd for ‘Own Political Marxist Agenda.’ That's putting it mildly.
(07/01/2020) Here's Why the 'Russian Bounties' Story Is the New 'Russian Collusion' Hoax. Wouldn't it be nice if one of our political parties focused on dealing the some of the problems we have in our country rather than spending all their time on destroying President Trump? And no, Trump is not the problem.
(06/26/2020) Laverne Cox, Kamala Harris Push to Defund Police: More Cops on Streets Is ‘Just Wrong.’ Is it not remarkable that defund the police is getting mass amounts of publicity and all the celebrities and Democrat politicians have jumped on board. Yet two thirds of blacks want more policing because of the high crime in their neighborhoods. The latest progressive fad is always massively promoted no matter how unpopular it might be. "Removing" Mount Rushmore is just another example. I don't think that is popular amoung us rubes in the country.
(06/26/2020) ‘Look, fat! You gotta wear a mask’! Joe Biden brags he would use his federal power to make Americans wear a mask. Conservatives believe that there are a lot of things that people should do, but don't believe the state should force people to do them. Those on the Left, however, believe that there are things people should do - many of which sensible people disagree with - and brag about using the power of the state to force them to do so.
(06/24/2020) Pelosi Accuses Republicans of ‘Trying to Get Away with the Murder of George Floyd.’ This what I find appalling about the Democrats. George Floyd was killed in a city that has be run solely by Democrats for almost 50 years, in a state that hasn't voted for a Republican for president since Richard Nixon. Yet the death of Floyd was not merely our fault but we actually murdered him! One thing I will say for them Democrats, they are good at proving me wrong. I keep thinking they can't sink any lower and they keep proving me wrong.
(06/23/2020) Nearly 100 percent of Democratic college students support defunding the police: poll. 94%, to be precise. Does this say more about the sorry state of our colleges, of Democrat students, or both? I'll go with "both."
(06/13/2020) A New Silent Majority Is Coming. (to read the article, you have to subscribe. it is free) Richard Nixon's "silent majority" really did exist. Unfortunately, it was, in fact, silent and as a result, over the long run, they lost. The author thinks a change is gonna come with a new silent majority. I pray that this is so. Huge majorities may not favor "defunding" and "abolishing" the police. Huge majorities may not favor rioting, arson, looting, murder and mayhem as means of protests. Huge majorities may recognize that Black Lives Matter is just a radical left group that doesn't care a whit about black lives. Huge majorities may even recognize that the United States of America is not only not corrupted by "systemic racism," but is probably the least racist countriy in the world. But those majorities are being almost completely silent right now, and the few that are willing to speak up - especially to criticize BLM - are being viciously attacked, with even their jobs threatened. So the question is, are we going to start speaking up and fighting back? Or are we going to hunker down and not even bother to support those that have the courage to speak up? We may not have the microphones of a Tucker Carlson or Candice Owens, but we can publicly support them and we have our own circles of influence. Speak up! Don't be afraid! If people really care about black lives, they should start by being in favor of bringing law and order to our cities and of making men that father children financially responsible for them. Why won't they do it? Because it means calling to account a lot of people for whom they have been making excuses for decades.
By all means, become a part of the new silent majority. But don't be sielnt.
(06/12/2020) Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan Says Anarchy in City Could Be 'a Summer of Love.' When you are incapable of running a city, this is what you do.
(06/09/2020) Calls To Cancel Wendy’s After Franchisee Donates over $400k To Trump’s Reelection. This whole "cancel culture" is not merely morally wrong but it is disasterous for the coutry and to individaul lives. People are losing their jobs over trivialities or over things they did many, many years ago. And this is strictly a left-wing phenomena. They literally believe in destroying the lives of people who disagree with them.
(06/06/2020) Dems re-branding their plan to steal the election. "Voting by mail" is not polling well, so the Democrats are changing it to "voting at home." That doesn't change the fact that it is an invitation to fraud, and the Democrats are perfectly willing to commit fraud. Virtually all the voter fraud cases - and there are many, in spite of the Democrats' repeated denials - involve Democrats. Surprise, surprise, surprise. No wonder they want to make fraud easier.
(06/03/2020) Who’s Your Messiah Now, Democrats? Since most Republicans are Christian, we already a a Messiah. Just one. Jesus Christ. The Democrats, on the other hand, ....
(06/03/2020) Booker: Trump Lafayette Square Tactics ‘Eerily Similar’ to Bull Connor, George Wallace. Bull Connor used force against peaceful protestors, not rioters and arsonists. I guess Booker must approve of rioting and arson, and even murder, since that is also currently happening. What is so sick is that the Democrats are spending almost all their efforts in these difficult times attacking Trump and actually saying things that are making the situation worse - throwing gasoline on the fire and Booker is doing. Has any Democrat in authority gone to Trump and asked how we can work together to improve the situation? Don't be silly! They are afraid that if they help improve the situation it might help Trump get re-elected. Better that the country go down in flames instead.
(05/20/2020) The American Media Has Betrayed America. You would think that after promoting the "Russian collusion" farce for three years while totally ignoring the very real crimes of Obamagate, the media would display a little shame and try to get their train back on the tracks. You would be wrong. How bad is the media? They report success as failure and failure as success. Check out his typical example: Ron DeSantis Has Had Enough.
(05/20/2020) Finally Some Good News—Trump Is About to Flood the Economy With Deregulation. Let's hope it happens. Giving the authority is just step 1. But given how many regulations have already been dropped, there is reason for optimism.
(05/20/2020) GOP Senators ‘Increasingly Concerned’ Surveillance Of Trump Associates Began Earlier Than Previously Known. Gee, many Republicans in the House and Senate let the Democrats walk all over them regarding completely bogus Russian collusion and Ukranian phone call investigations. Some fought back. In the meantime there is plenty of hard evidence that the Obama administration not only spied on the Trump campaign, but tried to hamstring and incapacitate the incoming administration. Hopefully the GOP will show a lot more courage now. If the guilty do not pay a price, our future as a nation is is deep trouble.
(05/20/2020) Rubio: Damage Done to Intel Community by the ‘Post-Career Behavior’ of Individuals — ‘Especially by’ Comey. Rubio has been a bit of a disappointment to conservatives, though I've always thought he was one of the better senators. But this is a big opportunity for him. Don't mess it up, Marco!
(05/18/2020) Obama’s Treasury Department Spied on Trump Associates. There simply is no question that after the election in 2016, the Obama administration worked very hard - and succeeded, to a degree - to destroy the incoming administration. The Russian collusion farce wasted almost three years with no evidence uncovered. For Obamagate we already have hard evidence. Will our "watchdogs" in the press do their job? I pray they do, I am certain they won't.
(05/14/2020) ‘Obamagate’ Isn’t A Conspiracy Theory, It’s The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time. Yes it is, and the MSM will do everything in its power to sweep it all under the rug and treat it as a big nothing burger.
(05/14/2020) ‘I Don’t Have Proof’: Whitmer Balks When Challenged By Reporter About Claim That Protests Are Spreading Coronavirus. Need more evidence that truth is not a progressive value? To be fair, conservatives sometimes make claims without evidence, but it is far more common on the Left.
05/14/2020) The Collusion Media RECKONING Begins: 'Pulitzer Prizes Were Won for Blaring Utter Fiction.' And this is just confirmation that truth is not a value for the Left. Consider also the Pulitzer for the blatantly false historical narrative of the 1619 project. It may be completely untrue, but it pushes the progressive party line and is therefore rewarded.
(05/09/2020) Pelosi Blocks Wuhan Virus Investigation – What She Wants Instead Should Not Surprise You. She wants to investigate Trump, instead. The Democrats (and the MSM) have been taking China's side all along. China is not our friend. China is not our ally. China is our enemy. Taking China's side and repeating their blatantly false talking points come perilously close to treason.
(05/02/2020) Biden Hammers ‘Illegals’ In Resurfaced Clip, Brags About Voting for 700 Miles of Wall. to be fair, if you belong to the Left you must follow the latest narrative, which keeps changing. It is impossible to be on the Left and to be consistent in what you favor or oppose.
(04/30/2020) Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck. Is the author over the top? Actually, he is going kind of easy on both reporters and liberals.
(04/30/2020) Three Female Potential Biden VPs Appeared On Sunday Shows. They Were Not Asked About Tara Reade. Of course not. This tells you everything you need to know, regarding both reporters and Democrats.
(04/29/2020) Will Democrats dump Biden and, if so, how? I'm pretty sure they will try. Yet they should have started working on it long ago. Their challenge is to replace him with someone who isn't Bernie Sanders. And however they do it, it isn't going to look good.
(04/26/2020) Something stinks in New Jersey: The strange case of Gov. Murphy's selective drive-through tulip farm shutdown. Inside almost every leftie is a dictator fighting to get out. This is a perfect opportunity for governors and mayors and city councils to decide what we can and cannot do. All for our own good, of course, whether we agree or not.
(04/23/2020) Bestselling Author Warns of ‘Riots & Violence’ If Trump Loses Election, ‘He Will Tear the Nation Apart.’ In other words, he thinks that if Trump loses, his supporters will act like Hillary supporters already have. Interesting variation on projection.
(04/20/2020) The media's war on President Trump has escalated with coronavirus. Plenty of media figures and Democrats have been demanding all sorts of things from the President. I haven't heard a single one ask "What can we do to help?" Not one.
(04/18/2020) Obama AG Eric Holder eagerly uses COVID-19 for political advantage. To be fair, he is hardly the only one. Quite a few Democrats have publically mused about how to use the virus to implement the progressive agenda. Meanwhile, small businesses are dropping like flies because Pelosi refuses to act. Another example: House Republicans Accuse Democrats Of Exploiting Coronavirus Crisis To Push ‘Extreme’ Immigration Agenda.
(04/16/2020) Steele’s Russian disinformation. We spent 3 years and millions of dollars investigating Trump and his non-existent Russian collusion. We have hard evidence that the Clinton campaign actually colluded with the Russians via Steele, who they paid via cutouts from the campaign. So when are we going to investigate the Clinton campaign and bring charges? I guess that is all water under the bridge and it is time to "move on." And this is why so many of us are cynical about our government.
(04/10/2020) Dem Mayor Defies Stay-At-Home Order to Get Haircut Because She’s ‘Face of This City.’ Real leadership involves leaders that demonstrate that they are making the same sacrifices they are alling on others to make. Isn't it remarkable how so many claim exemption from sacrifice because of their "leadership" or their "expertise." I'm not talking just the virus business, but the global wrming, end-of the world crowd. For that matter, socialist and communists, in general. The masses have to sacrifice, but the leaders are special.
(04/10/2020) Michigan's Crazed Governor Gretchen Whitmer Bans "Travel Between Residences." SInce a lot of Michigan residences have a vacation home upstate, you would think that encouraging people to head to less populated areas would be a good thing. I really think that there seems to be a competition to see who can put the most draconian restrictions in place rather than see who can best deal with the situation.
(04/07/2020) MSM: If you can't beat him, keep him off the screen. Of course, it isn't just Trump. They want to suppress all conservative speech.
(04/05/2020) Democrat Kentucky Governor Vetoes Mandatory Voter ID for 2020 Election. Of course. The Democrats benefit by voter fraud and will do everything in their power to make fraud easier and fight everything that makes it more difficult.
(03/30/2020) Gillibrand: ‘Delusional’ Trump Creating Conspiracy Theories to Cover Up His Delays on Coronavirus. Outside of a handful of Democrat governors, have any Democrat politicians been helpful in dealing with the coronavirus? It seems all they are to offer is attacks on Trump. They desperately want us to forget that when Trump acted early on travel restrictions, they attacked him for being racist (regarding China) and acting unnecessarily (regarding Europe). I suppose that they believe that their screeching, along with the cooperating on the MSM, will prevent people from realizing that had they been in charge, we'd be a lot worse off. I don't think it is working, though. But the fact that they are actively trying to make things worse tells you everything you need to know about them.
(03/10/2020) Democrats: Suspend Immigration Enforcement Rules amid Coronavirus Epidemic. Think of it. These people are calling Trump incompetent regarding covid. Well, they politicize everything and as they say, never let a crisis go to waste.
(03/06/2020) Are Schumer’s Threats Against Conservative Justices a Foretaste of What’s to Come? Yes. If the Court rules in favor of restrictions on abortion, there will be violence.
(02/22/2020) House OKs bill letting illegal immigrants seek damages from employers. Actually, the bill is much worse than just that, and it will never pass the Senate. But it is a good example why we should never let the Democrats gain full control of government again - unless they change their ways.
(02/21/2020) Michael Lind: ‘Only Institution Where Republicans Have Any Power Left in Society Is Elective Government.’ Well, I'd like to think that we have some power in the church, but even there we seem to be losing it.
(02/12/2020) A Pastor’s Urgent Plea — How Trump Could Lose in 2020. I believe that through his lies and deception, for all practical purposes, Satan has taken over the Democrat party. So I pray daily for the Democrats to be electorally destroyed in 2020, and that will cause many Dem politicians to wake up and see the light.
(02/12/2020) Number Of Registered Voters In These Iowa Counties Is Highly Suspicious…IA Secretary Of State Refuses To Report. That is, more registered voters than citizens of voting age. Voter fraud is a serious problem and it is an even bigger problem because many Democrats consider themselves to be so in the right that they feel fully justified in encouraging and committing voter fraud.
(02/10/2020) There Are No Good Democrats, Not Anymore. No, as a practical matter, there aren't. And the article does not even mention abortion and religious freedom.
(02/10/2020) Klobuchar: Trump Supporters Fail a ‘Decency Check’, ‘Patriotism Check.’ I'm not sure that insulting half the population is the best way to get elected president.
(02/05/2020) 3 Key Takeaways From President Trump’s Epic State Of The Union Address.
(01/31/2020) Never Trumpers Who Collaborate With Removing Trump Are Vichy Conservatives. Pretty much.
(01/30/2020) Trump Supporters Are Responsible for ‘Near Moral Collapse’ of the United States, Says Alec Baldwin. We have been in moral collapse for quite some time. Trump is the first president in ages to do something to reverse that decline. The Left defines this as causing moral collapse.
(01/30/2020) For the Sake of Our Witness: Why Christian Leaders Must Explain How Christians Can Support Donald Trump. It isn't difficult. It would be a lot harder to explain support for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or Pete Buttigieg.
(01/20/2020) Just two days on the job, San Fran's new socialist DA fires 7 tough-on-crime prosecutors. Soros is funding a lot of DA campaigns. They have a big impact and fly under the radar.
(01/13/2020) Networks’ Trump Coverage: Three-Fourths On Impeachment And (Shockingly) 93% Was Negative. Yet the press is throwing a hissy fit over the fact that Trump criticizes them. This is the classic they can dish it out but they can't take it. And it is so much worse given the fact that most of what they dish out is either false or biased, and most of the criticism they receive is true.
(01/03/2020) The Religious Bigotry of NeverTrumpers. Indeed. There is simply no need for evangelicals to "justify" their support for Donald Trump to those who despise Trump and / or evangelicals.
(01/02/2020) Latest progressive ‘big idea’ is so foolish it’s hard to believe they’re serious… but they are. The big idea? Abolish the police.
(12/31/2019) Pro-Trump & Anti-Trump Christians — Can They Be United in 2020? This is a must read for all Christians.
(12/30/2019) Trump Should Not Be Removed from Office: A Response to Mark Galli and Christianity Today. Excellent article. It not only destroys every point Galli made, but it is also probably the best article I have read that explains just why evangelicals (and others) should vote for Trump in 2020.
(12/26/2019) Scarborough: Evangelicals ‘Turned Their Back on Basic Core Beliefs’ Just for a WH Photo Op. Don't you love it when people who have no clue what it means to be an evangelical tell us what we think and what our motives are?
(12/26/2019) Pastor Darrell Scott Shoots Down Pete Buttigieg’s Politicized Christmas Greeting. I hate to keep picking on Mayor Pete, but he keeps asking for it. This is another one of those "Jesus was a refugee" gems. Remember, the Left politicizes everything they tough, and that includes Christianity.
(12/15/2019) Democrats: The Party of Death and Destruction. True.
(12/14/2019) Why the Democrats are so crazy to impeach. As the article states, the judiciary is a big factor. But it isn't the only one.
(12/13/2019) Bill Barr Makes THE Announcement – Details Pouring In. Illegal funding of Democrat candidates? What a shock.
(12/13/2019) Serious vote fraud uncovered in key battleground state. And which party benefits by this fraud? Why, the one that claims there is no fraud.
(12/09/2019) New York Times Flunks Fact Checking 101: Their Star 'Trump Voter' Never Voted in 2016. The NY Times did a story on a "Trump voter" who "changed his mind" about Trump. The only problem is, this guy was not a Trump voter. Pretty much every election cycle, the Dems put out an ad involving a lifelong Republican who has switched to the Democrats. The only problem is that the "lifelong Republican" turns out to be a Democrat activist. This NY Times article is just in keeping with that tradition.
(12/09/2019) Secularism among Dems advanced during Obama years. This should hardly come as a surprise. The Democrats seem to have become the "Party of Satan." Secularism advanced a tad among Republicans, but the rise is far more dramatic among Democrats.
(12/02/2019) CNN Guest: American Christians ‘Lost the Gospel of Jesus,’ Which Led to Trump. The guest was a Lutheran pastor who said, among other things, “The American church has lost the Gospel of Jesus and has become caught up in a gospel distortion, over Christian Nationalism which says that our God is no longer the God of the Bible but a God who makes America strongest.” Really? Straw men are so easy to create and tear down.
(11/29/2019) Christian Trump Supporters Don’t Have A ‘Branding Problem,’ The Left Has A Lying Problem. I suspect that evangelical support for Trump will be higher in 2020 than in 2016, so the Left's effort at trying to shame evangelicals into voting against their interests will have failed.
(11/24/2019) ‘The Squad’ Is Mired In Campaign Finance Scandals. When people think too highly of themselves, they justify doing all sorts of things that they would condemn were the hoi polloi to engage in the same. This a a major failing among politicians - especially those long in power and those with newly acquired power. The long in power ones are much better at covering it up. As evidenced by the "Squad," the newbies aren't so clever at it.
(11/22/2019) New York Times can’t bring itself to admit that African Americans are wary of supporting a homosexual presidential candidate like Pete Buttigieg. I think Blacks have always been a trifle annoyed at the fact that LGBT activists have always compared their cause to the Civil Rights movement. I could never support Mayor Pete, but his homosexuality really is not a factor. It is his left-wing views. On top of that, it is his use of his own totally perverted view of Christianity to promote his progressive agenda. Funny how conservatives are accused of inappropriately bringing their religious views into the political realm. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But the Left does it far more - Mayor Pete being just one example. But we all know the truth. From the Left's perspective, bringing religion into politics is A-OK, as long as it is a progressive perversion of religion that validates the progressive cause.
(11/22/2019) Sanders: We Should Consider ‘Prosecuting’ Fossil Fuel Executives. For some time the Left has been working on criminalizing opposition to the progressive agenda. Have they not already criminalized running a business according to Christian principles? This is yet another step in that direction.
(11/22/2019) Nancy Pelosi Is Already Attacking the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election. Why? So they can claim Trump illegitimate should we win re-election despite all their failed efforts at de-legitimizing him since he got elected in 2016.
(11/22/2019) Peggy Noonan Reminds Us Why Trump Won. In brief, Trump won because a lot of people in America got sick and tired of lots of talk and decorum and pontification combined with no useful results. Just the opposite in fact, Noonan still prefers the former to the latter. A "dedicated public servant" who is responsible to the president yet actively subverts that president is not a didicated public servant. They aren't a public servant at all, but a self-proclaimed elitist who believes their own desires trump the desires of the American people, to whom they are supposedly responsible. Noonan, NeverTrumpers, and the entire Democrat party care not a whit for what We the People want. They firmly believe they know better than we do.
(11/21/2019) 'Coup' Concerns Suddenly Don't Seem So Far-Fetched. It has seemed fairly obvious for some time, but more and more evidence keeps piling up even before anything as been properly adjudicated.
(11/20/2019) #ImpeachmentHearing: Impeach for the Effect, Deny the Cause. It is interesting that opening statements by witnesses are taken at face value and reported as bombshells that will destroy Trump, and their statements turn out to be nothing at all after the Republicans get done questioning the witnesses. The MSM conveniently fails to report how their "bombshells" fail to detonate under "cross-examination.".
(11/19/2019) Pelosi Says It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Let Voters Decide on Trump. Her rationale is that Trump will "interfere" in the 2020 election - i.e. cheat. The evidence is strong that almost all voter fraud is committed by the Democrats, and given their stated lack of trust in the wisdom of the American people, it is quite believable that the Democrats are far more likely to interfere with an honest election - we the people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
(11/19/2019) Rev. Graham: Trump's Enemies Want to 'Destroy Him' While 'Everyone Is Benefiting From His Policies.' That sounds about right. What are the bad things that trump has done that so horrify the Democrats? Primarily stopping the long slide to more and more progressive policies and actually starting America moving in the opposite directions. It is working, the successes are great, and it makes the Dems look bad. Need I say more?
(11/18/2019) The Wages of Trump Fixation. Victor Davis Hanson is always worth reading.
(11/18/2019) Compare and Contrast: Media Cheered Elizabeth Warren’s “Persisting” but Scolded Elise Stefanik’s. That is simple - the MSM, for all practical purposes - is part of the Democrat party. And I'm beginning to think that the Democrats qualify as the party of Satan - they are for abortion for any reason at any time, they are drifting into supporting infanticide, some are advocating abolishing prisons. They are all in favor of not merely ignoring the law (immigration laws) but actively subverting them. And don't get me started on LGBT issues. And there is even more. So all that is what our media supports.
(11/18/2019) How the Left Wants to Beat You Up and Box You Out. The Left certainly seems to be working a lot harder than we are.
(11/13/2019) Media Bias: TV Networks Blast Trump with 96% Negative News. And yet his favorability rating is higher than Obama's at this point in his first term. More and more people are catching on to the extreme bias of our media.
(11/12/2019) Democrats Hate America. I remember whenever a Democrat was criticized for not standing up for their country, they would square their shoulders and say in a huff, "How dare you question my patriotism!" I turns out that by their own admission, their patriotism not only should be questioned, but it is very much questionable. It is high time conservatives stop pretending that the Democrats and the Left in America are anything but what they are. At best, they want the power to change America into just another failed European welfare state. And that is their best. I fear they aim for things much worse.
(11/12/2019) Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono: 'Believe in Climate Change as Though It's a Religion.' Well, we already knew that a great man are already doing this.
(11/11/2019) Why Pete Buttigieg Is The Most Destructive Candidate For Christianity. Mayor Pete preaches a false gospel. It is a destructive gospel, as well. It is bad for the individual, for the church, for Christianity and for the nation.
(11/06/2019) Attorneys interviewed by legal group shocked over scathing review of Trump nominee: 'Absolutely outrageous.' The ABA has been taken over by the Left, has become 100% political, and is now 100% useless. No Trump nominees should even agree to being interviewed by the ABA.
(11/01/2019) An open letter to Elizabeth Warren. Warren claims that the only reason billionaires are billionaires is because the government has done all the things they took advantage of in order to become billionaires. Question for Warren: why isn't everyone a billionaire, then? Note that this is the same Elizabeth Warren who, in part based on her fake Indian claims, was paid a $400K salary to teach a single course.
(10/28/2019) Poll: 70% of Millennials Would Vote for a Socialist. What is so tragic is that most millennials can't even way what a socialist is - but they are for it because are schools are teaching them - socialism good, capitalism bad. Capitalism has realize literally billions out of poverty, Socialism is currently sending millions into poverty. But no way will our public (nor many private) schools actually teach the truth. And to make it worse: 1 In 3 Millennials See Communism As Favorable, Survey Finds.
(10/25/2019) What Katie can do. This is about new Dem Representative Katie Hill and her affair(s) with staffers, and more. Interesting, if only for the hypocrisy index.
(10/21/2019) AOC: Bernie Made Me 'Recognize My Inherent Value as a Human Being.' This is really rather appalling. Does it not fall in the category of worshiping the creature rather than the Creator?
(10/21/2019) Why Do They Hate Him So? Because he is the first president since Reagan that is actually governing (and succeeding) as a conservative. And he is fighting those that have long since been secure in their sinecures and have wielded far too much power and influence relative to their non-existent positive accomplishments.
(10/19/2019) Pelosi Has to Look Up Name of Dem Colleague, Implies Lincoln Was Founding Father. No biggie, After all, Biden once told us that FDR addressed the nation on TV right after the great crash of '29.
(10/13/2019) It’s Good To Be A Democrat. Why? Because you can lie, and even when there is concrete proof you are lying, the media will either ignore it or actively defend the lie and attack those who point out the lie.
(10/08/2019) NYC threatens up to $250G in fines for using terms like 'illegal alien,' threatening to call ICE. So they have abolished the First Amendment and they are making it a crime to report a crime. This should not stand up in the courts, but the fact that they went ahead with this shows the absurd mindset of the people running many of our cities. It is no coincidence that they are all Democrats. Do any of them care about the Constitution at all? Apparently only to cream that Trump is violating the Constitution while never actually specifying just how he is doing so.
(10/08/2019) Protester: Brett Kavanaugh Should ‘Not Get Too Comfortable’ on SCOTUS. Why? Because “a new generation of lawyers is coming,” and they “will not accept” the presumption of innocence. We really are in dangerous territory. A larger and larger portion of our population really does want to discard all the basics of Western Civilization and move us to a left-wing form of totalitarianism. For our own good, of course.
(10/07/2019) The Madness of Progressive Projection. Question - does "projection" qualify as projection when is is done deliberately with full knowledge that they have done (and are doing) exactly what they accuse Trump of?
(10/05/2019) Rashida Tlaib Comes Out for Jim Crow-Style Laws, Arrests of Her Political Foes. Among other things, she is talking about arresting administration officials if they don't comply with Congressional subpoenas. But Congress isn't issuing subpoenas, it is sending letters demanding attendance. Those letters have no legal force whatsoever. But the Dems and the MSM are doing their best to make you think that subpoenas have been issued.
(10/03/2019) Charity Event for Slain Police Officer Canceled Because Trump Supporters Were to Be in Attendance. Sigh. The Left - Democrats - politicize everything. Everything. Currently, among many other things, they are hard at work on math, science, and even charity. More broadly, they are politicizing truth.
(10/03/2019) New Evidence Shows Mueller Gang Threatened Gen. Flynn’s Son, Forced General to Sacrifice Himself or See His Son Destroyed. Almost nothing is worse than prosecutors abusing and misusing their power and suffering no consequences for it. Judges who abuse their power and authority come in a close second.
(10/03/2019) Christine Blasey Ford’s Lies, and the Father of Lies. If you have to lie to make your case, you have no case to make. If you have to lie to achieve your objective, your objective is not a worthy objective to achieve. If you let yourself accept the lies of others because they share your views, then you are letting Satan do his will with you.
(10/03/2019) Justin Haskins: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proves again she has no idea what she is talking about. It is a little unfair to pick on AOC so much since quite a few members of our "ruling class" are totally ignorant of our history and our Constitution, and pretty much everything else. But most of the others disguise their ignorance better than AOC.
(10/03/2019) Canada's global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have been. Apparently the way science is supposed to work now is that "scientists" determine what the results are supposed to be, and they they modify the observations (data) to conform. Funny. Isn't that just the opposite of the way science is supposed to work?