Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
to the website of the Unshackled for Life, a LIFE Group of Cross Fellowship Church (formerly FBC Black Forest) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Why are we now Cross Fellowship Church? Simply because having added a second campus 10 miles away, a non-location specific name was needed.
This website is intended to provide information and suggest actions for Christians (and others) who are concerned with the direction of our country - and the world. For more specifics, visit our why? page.
Contact us via the Contact Us page.
Visitors: If you are new to this website please consider taking our quick site tour and check the pages highlighted there.
Site News: (last updated: 01/20/2024 2:36 pm MST)
(01/04/2023) Study of Romans. Lessons at link.
(10/02/2021) New We Will Not Be Silenced series. Lessons at the link. Now complete (10/29/2022).
(09/14/2019) FBC SD 1.0 Course page added.
Recommended Articles and Commentary:
(Lots more at Current Events - many articles added daily)
(07/04/2021) The eternal meaning of Independence Day.
(04/15/2021) Bored with God — Complacency in the Midst of Chaos. I think it is fair to say that we (Christians) don't take the current state of affairs in America seriously enough, and we don't take God seriously enough to be begging for his help. Is God the only hope for America? I believe so.
(01/01/2021) Forgetting what's behind, pressing forward in Christ. It is a new year. Make the most of it.
(11/22/2020) Fighting Words, by David Horowitz. The link is to another site (one of my favorites) that posted this article. Whether we realize it or not, we are in a war and we need to start fighting back or America is lost. If the obvious, blatant fraud in this election doesn't convince you, then I am afraid nothing will.