Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

Stand in the Gap - 1997
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?
Psalms 85:6 (NIV)
There is some debate as to whether there have been 3, 4 or 5 'Great Awakenings' in America, but there is no doubt that we need a new Great Awakening now. Please pray for Revival.

I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV)
Inspiration and Music
Jan '20 - Jun '21
(05/31/2021) ‘We Are All Jews Here.’ You definitely want to read this. After a large number of Americans were captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge, almost 1,300 NCOs were sent to a POW camp. The Commandant ordered all Jews to fall out. Knowing their likely fate, the senior NCO,
(03/16/2021) No Reason to Do Good. Don't be fooled by the title. The point is, don't wait for a "reason" to do good.
(03/13/2021) Powerful A Cappella Mashup Of ‘Victory In Jesus’ And ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy.’ You have to listen to this. It is really just Victory in Jesus, with some "borrowed" arrangement stuff. Bookmark this so you'll have it whenever you might be down in the dumps!
(03/04/2021) Gary Sinise Launches Mental Health Network For Veterans and First Responders. Well, some news is good.
(02/12/2021) Lincoln: A genius for friendship. Read and learn a lot about Lincoln you didn't know before.
(02/12/2021) Pilot Gives An Incredible Impromptu Performance Of ‘Just A Closer Walk With Thee’ At Airport. Shouldn't we be doing more of this kind of thing? Doesn't have to be something that requires talent, like this. Just lending a helping hand when you see the need.
(02/12/2021) Thoughts from the ammo line. Okay, so you are deplorable. But are you deplorable enough? If you feel a need to up your deplorability score, read on.
(02/10/2021) 10-year-old boy clears snow off cars for hospital workers in Rhode Island. Just because a lot of bad is happening in America doesn't mean we can't do a lot of good. Just do it.
(02/09/2021) Positive News We All Need to Hear about What God Is Doing Around the World. I don't believe we should ignore bad news (and I certainly don't!), but we shouldn't ignore good news, either. And can we not generate out own positive news, even if it is just on a small scale? Imagine what it would mean if every Christian focused on doing some positive good - and we can all do this - rather that dwelling on the many things that are bad. Here is some more good news: 13 Real News Stories That Show God At Work In The World.
(12/05/2020) First “Christmas Star” in Nearly 800 Years Will be Visible Later This Month. On 12/21 Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be less than 1/5 of a moon diameter apart. Early night in the west, if I am not mistaken. Some think the "Christmas star" was an alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.
(11/30/2020) Record-Breaking 22-Week-Old Premature Baby Weighing Only One Pound Goes Home Healthy. We still have the best health care in the world. It is a shame that so many politicians are working so hard to destroy it.
(07/26/2020) Here is a set of news stories that might make you feel better about what is going on in the world today. Pandemic, turmoil drives thousands to Christ in Iran. Hopefully it does the same here. COVID spurs droves to leave public schools for homeschooling. This can only be good. And finally Polls: More black voters choosing 'racist' Trump. Great for Trump's reelection prospects, but the main thing is that blacks are waking up to the fact that the Democrats have counted on them for decades, but they have gotten nothing in return.
(07/01/2020) If you are feeling a bit down because of what is happening in America, here are a couple articles to lift you up and give you some spine (if you were lacking. Why I Just Became An American Citizen, And Still Have Hope For The Future and 10 Things for Which I'll Never Apologize.
(06/21/2020) Color Him Father. This being Father's Day, here is a good reflection on being a father.
(06/07/2020) An Atheist’s Come-to-Jesus Moment. Well, it is more a returning to faith, but is still good to see stories like this.
(12/30/2019) Clemson QB Says ‘God Can Do Immeasurably More,’ Quotes Ephesians 3:20 in Post-Game Interview. Good.
(12/25/2019) Police Surprise 4-Year Old Boy for Christmas After Mother’s Murder.
(12/05/2019) Amid Poverty, This Remarkable Alabama Woman Changed The Lives Of More Than 20 Foster Children. Pretty remarkable.
(11/27/2019) Spreading the Good News with quiet hum of secret printer. When people are not free to distribute Bibles, there are other means and they are being taken advantage of.
(11/09/2019) Kanye West and … the Next Great Awakening? Who knows? I am praying for revival in America every day., and as far as I'm concerned, Kanye West is a major ally.
(11/07/2019) Joy Break: Man Sings Nothing but the Blood of Jesus at the US Capitol Rotunda in Viral Video. This is a double whammy, since he was a part of a group of people who have left the homosexual lifestyle. And we are assured that such people do not exist, that there is no voter fraud and that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.
(10/23/2019) The Day God Performed a Miracle at 30,000 Feet. Yes, miracles do happen, though sometimes we don't recognize them.
(10/08/2019) Past time to thank your overworked pastor.
(08/09/2019) “Line Goes Around the Block” at Bill Miller BBQ after Democrat Castro Outs Owner on His Political Hit List. This is what I love about conservatives. While boycotting the bad guys is of some benefit, supporting those who are being attacked is of much greater benefit.
(07/25/2019) Singapore's Richest Man Advises: The 'Peace and Joy' of 'Jesus Christ,' It 'Sure Beats a Lot of Money.' Amen.
(07/10/2019) Men’s Hockey Coach’s Speech Goes Viral. The key: "When you put on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates. And the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back! Get that through your heads!" The problem is that nowadays we are teaching kids (and adults) that it is all about self.
(03/18/2019) Man Buys Chick-fil-A for Two Soldiers. When Nine More Show Up, Immediately Pays for Theirs Too. There are good people in the world.
(02/23/2019) Need Encouragement in These Crazy Days? Here’s Where to Look for It. In church! Just be sure you go to a church that reaches the Bible and doesn't run away from speaking the truth in love.
(02/22/2019) Remembering the indispensable man. Our nation was truly blessed in its founding by having so many men of great character and great minds to get our country started. And none was greater that the indispensable man, George Washington. And what do we do in so many of our schools today? Disparage and attack them.
(09/17/2018) Journalist Uncovers Powerful Letter President Reagan Wrote to Dying, Atheist Father-in-Law. Very interesting. Reagan may not have been a church-goer, but it is pretty clear he was a believer. He still should have gone to church.
(08/15/2018) To Feed Your Spiritual Life, Binge on These 5 YouTube Channels. This isn't really current events, but it is useful! I'll find a place to stick it, rather than have it drift off into oblivion.
(08/15/2018) Boy Sits in School Hallway Crying. Officer Sits Down Beside Him & Tells Him He is ‘Loved.’ Not all news stories are bad, it just feels that way sometimes. Actually, there is a lot of good news these days, but the MSM seem to prefer to ignore it.
(05/28/2018) 645,000 Poppies, Rolling Thunder, Lines to Thank Veterans for D.C. Memorial Day Weekend.
(05/28/2018) California Crowd Defies Announcer, Sings National Anthem at High School Softball Championship. We need to do a lot more of this. I hope and pray that more sports fans take the opportunity, not merely to honor America by singing the national anthem, but honor God by praying after the event is over - down on the field, if they can.
(05/28/2018) America's Honor. A great essay on Memorial Day. Here is more: Donald Trump’s Memorial Day Proclamation: ‘We Revere Those Who Have Died in Noble Service.’ More: A Memorial Day Message From The Men Who Guard The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.
(05/23/2018) Family Of Adopted Daughter Reveals What Trump Privately Told Them Onstage While Honoring Their Story. As an adoptive parent, I get the warm fuzzies over this. But you don't have to be an adoptive parent to get them.
(05/17/2018) God ‘Deserves the Honor and the Glory’: Off-Duty Cop Saves the Life of a 3-Month-Old Who Wasn’t Breathing. Why is it so hard to believe that God put the right person in the right place at the right time?
(05/12/2018) Catholic Priest shares a TOUCHING wedding ceremony unlike any other. The 26 year old bride is dying of cancer. Grab the hankies. But it isn't just touching, it is very uplifting.
(05/10/2018) Pence Reveals What Prayer Is Like at WH, and It’ll Leave Some People Angry. Well, some people are perpetually angry. And there are probably a lot of people that imagine that prayer at the White House is violating the establishment clause. Ignorance, stupidity and shallow think have been around forever. Unfortunately, such "thinking" is actually encouraged these days.
(04/27/2018) Sarah Sanders Prays Before Every Press Briefing. Be sure to read the comments. While their comments are not well liked, the atheists are out in force. One commenter doesn't care for religion because they all focus on pomp and form and appearance rather than any message. Hmmm. Clearly he hasn't done much investigating.
(03/28/2018) “Not Long I Think. He is So Afraid. He Needs Jesus.” This is a column about death; a very good one (the column, that is).
(02/13/2018) Eagles QB Wentz: Jesus 'Greatest Leader of All Time, Whether You Believe in Him or Not.' As usual, the atheists are out in force in the comments. I sincerely wonder what their point is.
(02/07/2018) Tony Dungy gives AMAZING response after getting trolled on Nick Foles and Christianity.
(02/05/2018) The Eagles Win the Super Bowl, Share Their Faith in Christ. Rather than thanking God for helping them win, they are thanking God for giving them a platform to share their faith. Nice. Update: Here is more: The Inspiring Faith of the Eagles’ Comeback Quarterback. He plans to become a pastor after football and is taking seminary courses. Naturally, some are "troubled" by all this.
(01/27/2018) Retiree who volunteers as hospital ‘Baby Buddy’ warms hearts everywhere.
(01/26/2018) Group of Teens Leave Waiter with $3.28 Tip. Week Later, Waiter Finds Letter with Cash. There is a lesson here for all of us. Making a mistake and then correcting it is often far more beneficial than never having made the mistake in the first place. And it is never too late to correct a mistake!
(01/15/2018) Vikings Beat Saints With ‘Minnesota Miracle’: QB Says It’s His Third-Best Moment of His Life Behind Becoming a Christian and Marrying His Wife. As a Vikings fan, it is almost enough to get me to watch their next game(s). Than again, maybe not. The NFL blew it big time.
(01/01/2018) 2018: What could possibly go right? Five possibilities. With the new year, why not look at the positive rather than the negative?
(01/01/2018) 11 Striking Stories from 2017. Not all of these 11 stories are necessarily positive, but looking back, 2017 was a pretty good year. For evangelicals and many others, at least.
(12/25/2017) The Man Who Would Be, and Was, King. Jesus said to him "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There is but one path to the Father, but many find their own way to Jesus. This is one.
(12/25/2017) It's a Boy!
(12/24/2017) Contemplate, celebrate His birth. And ‘That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown.’
(12/18/2017) I Turned My Coworker Into HR When She Gave Me A Christmas Card, And She Changed My Heart. This is a nice story.
(11/23/2017) President Donald Trump’s 2017 Thanksgiving Proclamation. Has President Trump actually seen the light and accepted Christ? I don't know. But his Thanksgiving proclamations sure are a lot better than the previous president's.
(11/23/2017) A Grateful Heart. There are two ways of looking at God and our lives. This is one, and the other is The Destructive Power of Grumbling and Complaining.
11/23/2017) Empty Chairs: Honoring Gold Star Families on Thanksgiving. We had our Thanksgiving yesterday since two of the kids are working Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be Thankful for, but it is important to remember those whose Thanksgiving will not be such a happy one.
(10/17/2017) NFL take note: Photo of roofers standing for the national anthem goes viral. To elaborate, not only are roofers more patriotic, they are far more essential to our economy than football players.
(10/17/2017) Six Boys Carry WWII Vet’s Casket When No One Else Would. Coach’s Words Sum up Perfectly Why. Actually, I am sure that others would have stepped forward had they known the need. Still, it is great that HS kids would volunteer for something like this.
(10/10/2017) Top NFL QB Uses 4 Words to Explain LV Massacre… Get Ready for the Media to Freak. Well, I don't know if he qualifies as "top" just yet, but the 4 words are spot on:" the world needs Jesus."
(10/06/2017) 10 Ways To Make Your Pastor’s Day This Pastor Appreciation Sunday. All pastors could use some (a lot!) of genuine appreciation. It is one of the toughest jobs in the world and we sometimes take them for granted.
(10/04/2017) The Power of Good. Whenever we see evil, there is also a lot of good, though perhaps less visible.
(09/26/2017) If you want so shed a few (good) tears, read this: A Canadian’s Perspective on the Anthem.
(09/11/2017) Never forget. 9/11 – Remembering Firefighter Danny Suhr, killed by a falling body. More: 9/11: A Day To Remember.
(09/10/2017) Broke Mom on Last $20, Kids Pray to God for Miracle. Then Mom Finds Envelope on Doorstep. Sometimes there is less than meets the eye in stories like this. But there is no question that God can answer our prayers in many unexpected ways.
(09/09/2017) High School Football Players Rush onto Field, Pray Out Loud During 'Moment of Silence.' Nice!
(09/03/2017) Trump’s National Day of Prayer Follows Tradition of Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. Take this Day of Prayer seriously, and pray for national revival as well as for Texas and Louisiana.
(08/30/2017) VIRAL VIDEO: Texas Woman Gives Amazing Gospel Performance at Harvey Shelter.
(08/18/2017) How about some good, quarterback related stuff? In heartwarming interview, star NFL quarterback reveals his secret to a successful marriage: Jesus. And this: NFL Quarterback Says He Heard God's Voice, Saved 3 Lives. 'Someone in here is going to commit suicide unless you say something.'
(08/02/2017) Prince Philip, 96, Carries Out Final Solo Royal Engagement. While a monarchy and America are like oil and water, it is a wonderful thing to behold in Britain. How much of that is the monarchy itself and how much is Elizabeth and Philip we will sadly find out before too long. They have both served their country very well.
(07/12/2017) World Stunned by What Happens in McDonald’s Drive Through 167 Whopping Times in a Row. Well, I don't think the world was stunned, but you will still enjoy this story.
(07/07/2017) Not My First Rodeo. Some great "first rodeo" comments from Ammo Grrrll. Anyone who has ever been to a rodeo will appreciate this. Anyone who hasn't should be inspired to.
(07/04/2017) Happy Independence Day 2017! The bulk of this article is the text of Benjamin Franklin addressing the Constitutional Convention, something I had not read before. It says a lot about what makes America great.
(07/04/2017) 5 Ways the American Revolution Was Different From Other Revolutions. Our revolution was different and that is a major reason why America is different.
(07/04/2017) Freedom and Tyranny: The Meaning of Independence Day.
(07/04/2017) Freedom’s Hope is Found on the Shoulders of Our Lord. Never forget that Christianity is the foundation of Western Civilization in general and the United States of America in particular. Here is more from Dr. Michael Brown: Don't Forget That God Comes Before Country. And more: Trump at Freedom Rally: ‘America Always Affirms That Liberty Comes from Our Creator.’
(07/04/2017) A Love Letter to America. I shed a few tears reading this because we have been losing the America we love. On the other hand, it is mostly still there and it looks like we may be regaining that which we have lost.
(07/04/2017) 56 Patriots Pledged Their Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor. We stand on the shoulders of giants. Are we willing to save what they pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in order to achieve?
(07/04/2017) Why You Should Read Your Kids The Declaration Of Independence Today. Read it for yourself if you don't have any kids available!
(07/04/2017) The Eternal Meaning of Independence Day. This is from Abraham Lincoln. Powerline posts this every 4th, and it is well worth reading. They also post this from Calvin Coolidge.
(06/18/2017) What It Means to Honor Thy Father. Well, it is Father's Day.
(06/06/2017) Ordeal of Omaha Beach. June 6, 1944, a date I was taught never to forget. How many of today's "men without chests" could be counted on for such an undertaking? Certainly our military, but how about our college students and career oriented 20-somthings? But 73 years ago it was the kid next door, or possibly from our own door, and we should remember and honor them today. Truly the greatest generation. Update: Nice article from the Daily Mail. More from Twitchy.
(05/30/2017) Mother of Fallen Marine Overcome With Emotion With POTUS Trump’s Surprise Visit at Arlington Cemetery. Why do I doubt the previous president would do something like this?
(05/29/2017) Memorial Day 2017: America's Honor. Be prepared to shed a few tears. Update: This article is several months old but definitely worth the read. It is a reminder that our soldiers are still paying the ultimate price: Pulitzer Prize winning photo “Husband’s final request.” Update: And more. Also: Memorial Day in a Divided Nation.
(05/10/2017) Bodycam Footage Shows Moment Officer Saved the Life of 4-Year-Old Autistic Child From Drowning.
(05/01/2017) World’s Oldest Woman Says Her Secret for Living Long is Serving God. Nice.
(03/27/2017) Evansville woman, 94, still going strong 44 years into McDonald's job. Nice.
(03/15/2017) Answer to Prayer: Armed Rebels Release Franklin Graham's Aid Workers.
(03/02/2017) Revealing Lingerie Ads: The True Beauty of Women – ‘I Will Do It for You, Baby.’ The author warns that you will need to have a hankie handy, and he is right.
(02/14/2017) On Valentine’s Day, Remember: The World Gets Love Half-Wrong. Reflections on what love means.
(02/14/2017) The True Story of St. Valentine and the Ultimate Expression of Love.
(01/25/2017) America, at Last the Land of Can-Do. America used to do big things. Then we started saying that we could no longer do so. It now looks like America is going to start doing big things again, and it will not only be better for America, it will be better for the world.
(01/24/2017) Pro-life parents share inspiring stories about strength and choosing life on #MyUnintendedJoy. Be prepared to shed a tear or two.
(01/24/2017) No catchy signs spotted at the ‘Men’s March Against Fascism.’ Definitely follow this link.
(01/22/2017) America’s First Lady: Melania Trump Weeps at National Prayer Service. "How Great Thou Art" is to blame.
(01/14/2017) Ben Carson: Role Model. A lot of us are Carson fans and can only hope and pray that everyone looks to him as a positive role model.
(01/08/2017) Bureaucracy in the Age of Trump. This is a hilarious video of dealing with the infamous bureaucracy. This is not the typical inspiration entry, but let us all be as determined as this young lady!
(01/06/2017) 'Jesus Told Me to Talk to You': Chris Pratt Recounts the Moment He Came to Faith. Things like this don't seem to get much publicity.
(10/31/2016) President Dwight D. Eisenhower: Principles Worth Remembering. Especially since we seem to have forgotten many of them.