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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. First Amendment to the US Constitution


Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31b-32 (NIV)

There are some in this country that would be happy to forbid praying in public.  Yet what better example of people using their first amendment rights than this?

That said, 'Saying Grace' recently set at auction record for a Norman Rockwell painting at $46M.

First Amendment

Apr-Jun 2016

(06/30/2016)  Here is some more good news.  Federal court orders schools to end anti-Christian bias; awards $150,000 in case called 'major victory.'  The catch is, we shouldn't have to sue to be able to exercise our constitutional rights.


(06/29/2016)  Americans Are Losing Confidence In The Supreme Court.  Should anyone be surprised?  The liberals on the court are far more concerned with pushing the liberal agenda than they are about upholding the Constitution and the law of the land.

(06/29/2016) New Documents Suggest IRS’s Lerner Likely Broke the Law.  I thought that this was rather obvious all along.

(06/28/2016)  Pentagon investigating military's crackdown on 'God.'  Veteran forcibly removed from Air Force flag-folding ceremony.  We posted the original story before.  Some consequences are necessary or this sort of thing will continue.

(06/27/2016)  Latest Microaggression: 'Christmas Vacation.'  It seems that the main thing that colleges are teaching our kids is to never grow up.  That and a progressive, anti-Christian, anti-family agenda.  Be very, very careful about what college to send your children to, or whether to send them at all. 


(06/26/2016)  California Bill Introduced to Remove Religious Exemption From “Anti-Discrimination” Laws.  One guess as to just who is behind this. 

(06/26/2016)  To make schools more inclusive, PC teachers consider banishing ‘G’-word from classrooms.  The word is 'girl.'  This is in the UK, but don't think we are above stupidity like this.

(06/23/2016)  College Profs Investigated for Acknowledging Existence of Other Opinions.  You simply cannot make this stuff up.  And you, the taxpayer, are paying people for this idiocy.

(06/23/2016) Chaplain booted over praying 'in Jesus' name' goes to Supremes.  Given how the courts have been misapplying the establishment clause and ignoring the word 'Congress' and the words 'make no law,' I am not optimistic.  Even a layman can figure out the First Amendment regarding religion: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.


(06/21/2016)  Finally, A Victory For Free Speech in North Carolina.  The problem is that you should not have to go to court (and win) in order to express your First Amendment rights. 


(06/21/2016)  City Demands Homeowner Remove Civil War Display.  The First Amendment is in big trouble.  And that means much of what has always made America great is in big trouble.

(06/20/2016) USAF Vet Forcibly Removed from Flag-Folding Ceremony for Mentioning God.  The mind simply boggles at what is going on these days.  I believe a lawsuit is coming and rightly so.


(06/20/2016) The Other Campus Free-Speech Problem No One’s Talking About:

Christian activists are not trying to shutter secular schools; but some progressive activists are trying to put Christian schools out of business.  The comments are interesting.  A left-wing troll claims that conservatives censor liberal views, but cannot provide any actual examples.  What is sad is that liberals cannot even back up their own arguments when challenged yet do not even question the validity of their views. 

(06/14/2016)  Anti-free-speech law means jail, fines – even for websites.  'It's not American. It's not democratic and it's certainly not constitutional.'  But it is California, so ....

(06/13/2016)  Calif. school calls sheriff to stop 7-year-old from handing out Bible verses.  After all, someone might be offended.  I wonder.  Do Christians have a right to be offended?  Apparently we can only be the offenders, not the offendees.

(06/08/2016)  Atheist Group Is Suing This TN Sheriff For Posting and Easter Message On Facebook.  

(06/04/2016)  Ohio high school graduating class sings the Lord's Prayer even though it had been deleted from the program due to one atheist's complaint.  One complaint!

(06/02/2016)  School sends deputy to warn 7-year-old about Bible verses.  As a nation, we are spiraling down in a hurry.

(05/31/2016)  Texas city hatches real estate deal with church to cross out atheists' lawsuit.  Of course, it should not have been necessary in the first place.  But at least people are fighting back and not just giving in to the demands of the "Freedom From Religion Foundation."

(05/18/2016)  Why Don’t Republicans Name the Real Enemy of Free Speech on College Campuses?  Hint - the problem is 100% Liberalism, Leftism and Progressivism.  But you knew that already.

(05/01/2016)  Official who penalized 'Sweetcakes' accused of violating Constitution.  I am really glad the bakers are fighting back.

(04/29/2016)  Why do liberals want the Bible out of public libraries? 

(04/27/2016)  Christian Student Group Files Lawsuit, Claims Unconstitutional Targeting by State University.  The first amendment guarantees both free speech and freedom of religion, yet just about the only kind of (unconstitutional) restrictions on speech seem to be either directly or indirectly religious related speech.

(04/14/2016)  A Gratuitous Assault on Religious Liberty.  Did you realize that the contraceptive 'mandate' in Obamacare is not actually in the law.  There is much more interesting stuff in this article.

(04/09/2016)  Free the Little Sisters of the Poor.  This is a Star Parker column on freedom of religion.

(04/08/2016)  Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse wants to prosecute climate change 'deniers.'  This is an old article, but he is still at it.  Update:  Here is another perspective on the subject: If propounding pseudoscience in pursuit of self-serving goals is a crime, here are some hardened offenders.

(04/05/2016)  Upstate town board (NY) votes against reciting Pledge of Allegiance.  After all, it is just a waste of time.  I'm sure that the borad will do great things with those extra 10 seconds.

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