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for Life
Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
First Amendment
Apr-Jun 2015
(06/30/2015) As Left Celebrates, Right Preps for All-Out Anti-Religious Assault.
(06/30/2015) Quo Vadis, America? I am not a big Patrick Buchannan fan, but this is a good column. I happen to be in the middle of re-reading Quo Vadis, and we have to ask ourselves that question. Christ asks Peter 'quo vadis' (where are you going) when Peter is fleeing the persecution of Christians in Rome. And Peter returns to Rome. Will we respond as Peter? Or will we flee.
(06/28/2015) Post-SCOTUS Gay Marriage: Religious institution tax exemptions at risk. The demands are already being made. Those who said that the objective of SSM was not 'equality of marriage' but the destruction of Christianity were mocked but were absolutely correct.
(06/28/2015) How long until the book burnings start? It looks like some wish to erase the Civil War, or at least one half of it, from our history. Some wish to silence all forms of disagreement and opposition, even in history.
(06/27/2015) So was Rush Limbaugh incorrect when he said the 'they' would try to ban the U.S. flag next? Professors: US flag symbolizes racism, should not be displayed on campus.
(06/26/2015) The Supreme Court Ratifies a New Civic Religion That Is Incompatible with Christianity. This pretty much nails it. The comments are actually worth looking at as well.
(06/25/2015) Jefferson Memorial, Confederate statues enter national race debate. Some want the Jefferson Memorial removed because, after all, Jefferson owned slaves. I guess we should knock down Mount Vernon and Lee's house at Arlington as well. Remember how we used to laugh at how the Communists would re-write history and airbrush the disfavored out of photos? We have people in this country who wish to do far more, driven by hatred of America. Rush has been ridiculed for saying that 'they' will be coming after the US flag next, but I have already seen someone claiming that the American flag is just as 'racist' as the Confederate one.
(06/25/2015) Government to monitor family 'spirituality'. This is in Scotland. "
Under a new law in Scotland, parents will be reported to authorities for not giving a child enough “love, hope and spirituality,” according to a government health adviser who is helping craft rules for the law, which is scheduled to go into effect next year." It may not turn out this bad, but nothing good can come of this.
(06/23/2015) 'Comfortable' Christianity over, conference told. Of course, it was this thought that led to the creation of this website. And the longer we remain in the 'comfort' zone, the greater our 'discomfort' when we can no longer ignore it.
(06/23/2015) The First Amendment Defense Act (S. 1598, H.R. 2802) would prevent any federal agency from denying a tax exemption, grant, contract, license, or certification to an individual, association, or business based on their belief that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. This is definitely a 'contact your Semators and Congressman' and let them know you support this bill.
(06/22/2015) For Leftists, It's Open Season on Christians. Pretty shocking. Note that there are a lot of atheists who definitely want to ban Christians completely from the public square. The first amendment was to protect religion from the state, not the other way around.
(06/22/2015) Christian helps push religious freedom in his town. It is a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
(06/19/2015) Is the ACLU trying to Destroy Christianity or Just America? Good question.
(06/18/2015) Florida Sheriff Says he should not have to Change his Clothes to Preach. I agree.
(06/18/2015) Teaching Jesus is Son of God Could Become Criminalized in UK. There are certainly some in this country who would like to suppress Christianity.
(06/17/2015) Billy Graham's daughter not too happy with the direction our country is heading. Will God abandon us because we have abandoned Him?
(06/15/2015) High school resolves one issue by causing another. This is a follow-up to prayer related lawsuit against Colorado high school being dropped.
(06/12/2015) Building the New Dark-Age Mind. Civilization has never been on a path of continual improvement, and we have definitely been regressing recently.
(06/11/2015) Bobby Jindal to Attend Massive SC Prayer Rally for a ‘Nation in Crisis’. I'm not actually trying to promote Jindal, but he seems to be more involved in this kind of thing than other candidates. The prayer rally is sponsored by the American Renewal Project, which I am adding to our 'favorite sites.'
(06/11/2015) Army refuses to provide Honor Guard for church's July 4th celebration. But they will for a gay pride event.
(06/10/2015) Religious freedom lawsuit against Colorado Springs school dropped. Because the school did a 180 and will allow students to pray and discuss their faith during their free time. Good news.
(06/09/2015) Surprise! Christian co-worker acts religious, gets fired. This occurred in Britain and has a happy ending since the Christian woman won her discrimination case.
(06/07/2015) Some people don't seem to realize that a Baccalaureate service is actually a, you know, a religious service.
(05/30/2015) Just because someone 'generally' supports the first amendment, they may be willing to put their principles aside in order to protect themselves and/or their cronies. Take a look here and here.
(05/29/2015) Student sues after college bans gun rights sign. Interesting situation where we have both a first and a sceond amendment issue all in one.
(05/29/2015) Teacher sues, claiming school supports religion. Apparently, people voluntarily participating in prayer, Bible study and the like during lunch and other non-instructional time it too big an affront to be permitted. Just who, exactly, is trying to impose their views on others?
(05/28/2015) Marine disciplined and discharged over Bible verse. There must be more to it, but in today's environment, this is entirely possible.
(05/28/2015) Rush Limbaugh: American Left Has Made Christianity Its No. 1 Enemy. There may be a bit of hyperbole here, but not much. Take a look at the comments on this article and then look at my somewhat related blog post.
(05/27/2015) Are we close to a faith vs. government war? The skirmishes certainly have already begun. Is the author of this article too pessimistic? Read it and consider.
(05/22/2015) Pastor protection bill passes in Texas. The city of Houston subpoenaed the sermons of 5 Houston pastors for supporting a petition the mayor disapproved of. This bill will put an end to that. Such bills should not be necessary - we have the first amendment. Sadly they are necessary and many of our politicians and judges are just fine with substantially modifying the first amendment or getting rid of it altogether.
(05/22/2015) Schlafly: 'Gay marriage' advocates want to 'wipe out' Christianity. I'm not so sure that they want to wipe it out, but they sure want to neuter it.
(05/22/2015) Judge issues blistering 'Under God' ruling. And before you groan in dismay, this is a good ruling: 'under God' does not violate anyones Constitutional rights.
(05/21/2015) 41% of Americans want to restrict free speech. There is reason to be concerned.
(05/21/2015) Obama and Hillary Are All Too Happy to Coerce Acceptance of Their Agendas.
(05/20/2015) FCC Commissioner Now Predicting Limiting of Internet Free Speech. Given that a plurality of Americans now favor criminalizing so-called 'hate speech', this is not far-fetched. THe first amendment is at serious risk.
(05/20/2015) Campus Censorship. Things really are getting bad. The 'right' not to be offended has taken root. Do we as Christians need to start taking offense at everything attacking Christianity in order to fight back? Suggestions welcome. I'm adding FIRE to the 'watchdogs' page. Check them out. Consider donating to one or more watchdog groups. They are doing great work.
(05/20/2015) LGBT Activists Arm For Further War On Free Speech. Very good article that makes clear that the other side is going for broke. Criminalizing Christian moral standards seems to be the objective. They are going to win unless we start fighting back.
(05/19/2015) Student allowed to fly US flag and MIA flag from truck after school officials first removed them. The first rationale provided for the removal was that someone complained. They subsequently said they had 'safety concerns'.
(05/18/2015) Court-martial the general - he talked about God. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has had a lot of success bullying the military into discriminating against Christians. Zip on over to actions if you want to do something.
(05/18/2015) Will Christians be subject to jail for their beliefs? Is it farfetched given that Christian business people are already subject to fines and penalties?
(05/17/2015) Bush Defends Religious Liberty in SMU Speech. This is kind of nice.
(05/15/2015) From one of the sponsors of the 'Draw Mohammed' contest in Texas:
Some Christians Object to Our Muhammad Cartoon Contest. Here’s Why They’re Wrong. Worth the read.
(05/15/2015) The Believer In the Public Square. This is an address to be given by Erick Erickson tomorrow.
(05/14/2015) Faith Crimes. This is a summary of information from the May issue of Whistleblower Magazine (paid subscription required for full issue). Gives a good overview of what motivated the creation of this website.
(05/14/2015) At This College, ‘Hurtful Statements’ Are Now Reportable to Authorities. Univ of Colorado at Boulder, “This in no way is meant to curtail free speech,” says a spokesman. Riiiight.
(05/12/2015) If you are not publishing, you are pretending. If you cannot bring yourself to actually show a 'controversial' Mohammed cartoon, then you aren't really serious about free speech. From the Federalist.
(05/11/2015) Expressing Christian Beliefs at Graduation. Sometimes it isn't so easy.
(05/10/2015) Free Speech Doesn't Have a Big But. Bill Whittle, via Legal Insurrection. Whittle does excellent video commentaries.
(05/10/2015) Mark Steyn on Free Speech. My take: if you say "I'm for freedom of speech, but ....", then you are not in favor of free speech.
(05/10/2015) Don't Tell Me I'm Overreacting. A good rant about the danger that religious freedom is currently in. And this is exactly why we all need to become activists and start fighting back.
(05/09/2015) Just unbelievable. Crosses at Catholic school a 'human rights violation' against Muslims. Such is the complaint.
(05/08/2015) Hillary Clinton supports Constitutional amendment to restrict the first amendment. Religious freedom is truly in danger.
(05/08/2015) The shameful hypocrisy of our double standards on religion. Not that it is a surprise to any of us.
(05/08/2015) Progressives love anti-religious art, as long as it is anti-Christian. Anti-Muslim? That is hate speech.
(05/07/2015) Church threatened over pro-life sign. This has a happy ending, but there is no question that churches are under fire - by the very government that is supposed to be constrained by our Constitution.
(05/07/2015) A good article on Islam and the first amendment. And more.
(05/05/2015) Christian girl given 0's in class for not conforming to anti-Christian views. She is being represented by Liberty Counsel, which I had never heard of but which I have added to 'watchdogs' under 'actions'.
(05/04/2015) Freedom of religion vs freedom of worship. Certainly, freedom of 'worship' seems a lot more restrictive.
(05/01/2015) It looks like GoFundMe has become anti-Second Amendment as well as anti-Christian. Here is more on GoFundMe. Update: GoFundMe added to boycott list.
(04/28/2015) Solicitor General Says Churches May Lose Tax Exempt Status if Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage. Talk about an attack on the Christian Church and the First Amendment. Folks, we cannot sit back and let this stuff happen. Update: (04/29/2015) More here and here.
(4/20/2015) IRS says it will monitor churches for sermon content.
(4/18/2015) IBM apparently has some problems with religious liberty.
(4/6/2015) Religion, discrimination, and civil rights law. A serious discussion about the RFRA laws and their connection to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.