Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18
for Life
Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
UnShackled for Life
Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
(a LIFE group of CFC - Cross Fellowship Church)
Age Group: mostly over 50 and young at heart
Come and join our special LIFE Group. We welcome new members with open arms and embrace existing ones with appropriate concern, love and affection.
We meet during the second service on Sunday morning. Our "snacks" hit the spot about 9:45AM and our sharing time shortly thereafter does too. Bruce Bruinsma is our teacher. We learn and grow together through searching the Scriptures to connect with what it says about how we are to live. We explore relevant contemporary topics together to help us understand the world where we both live and witness.
Our current study focus is learning how a Christian can cope with, interact with, and otherwise deal with contemporary American culture..
If growing personally, spiritually and relationally is where you are or want to be in your spiritual journey, UnShackled for Life is the right community at CFC for you. Check us out at 9:45AM Sundays or give us a call.
Contact Bruce or Judy Bruinsma at 626-399-2247(c) or 626-399-2733(c)
For more information, visit:
UnShackled meets Sunday 9:45am-11:00am Room 208 (CDC - Black Forest)
Cross Fellowship Church (CFC) website
Black Forest:
Blended Service: Sunday 9:00 am
Contemporary Service: Sunday 10:30 am
Palmer Park:
Contemporary Service: Sunday 10:30 am
Directions to CFC - Black Forest - 10915 Black Forest Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80908