Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

of the Gospel
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16 (ESV)

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Devotions and Devotionals
What are devotions? Daily Devotions are a good way to get started on establishing the habit of a Daily Quiet Time because they contain the essential elements of QT: Scripture and prayer. Assuming that you use a devotional for your devotions - and it is strongly to be encouraged - there is the added advantage of format and structure so you are not left to flounder about on your own.
So what are daily devotions? GotQuestions,org is a great go to website for answering questions you've "got" as a Christian. Is it important for a Christian to have daily devotions? does a good job answering both the what and the importance of daily devotions.
Other than the essentials of Scripture and prayer, devotionals vary widely in terms of both format and content. So why not pick out a devotional that tickles your fancy and get started?