Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
Testimony of Bruce B.
Each season of life has it’s unique issues and challenges, opportunities, joys and failures. Looking back on 7 decades, there is much for reflection. My spiritual journey, family journey, and personal life journey extends from the decision to follow Jesus at age 13, to the most recent commitment to spread his word in new and different ways in my mid 70’s. It is encouraging to know that God has plans for me during each life stage and that includes the current one. Building His Kingdom here on earth while preparing for eternity in the heavenly kingdom does not leave a lot of room for much beyond, family, ministry, and meaningful activities tied to His purpose for my life. My wife of 54+ years is still my best friend and trusted companion. Our son Brent, challenged with Rubenstein Syndrome lives a full life in Ontario, California. We have learned much both from him and about him during our journey through life with him. Loving two special Grandson’s along with their mother, our Daughter Bethany, and their father, Scott adds another special place in our hearts.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
Eccl 3:1 (ESV)

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Eccl 3:11a (ESV)
The world suggests that the 4th quarter of life is one of diminished capacity and reduced or reducing value…..I could not disagree more. Our culture suggests that the critical elements of retirement are to amass as much money as you can and then do nothing. Or at least prioritize anything you do to satisfy your own desires. I can’t find either meaning or purpose in that perspective. I believe that God does have a plan and a purpose for me that extends for a lifetime, not just a season or until a specific age. I’m in the Active Application stage of the 4th Quarter. I look forward to the next stage of Purposeful Consultation followed by Insightful Reflection. The last quarter of life can be the most impactful season of your life. I am so thankful that I know a God who strengthens me to carry out his plan, and upholds me when the going gets tough. As we all know, the going get tough often, but only if you are actually doing something meaningful and with purpose. An important part of that “upholding” piece is carried out through others. A wonderful example is the UnShackled for Life group of believers at First Baptist Church of Black Forest. Loving, caring, praying and believing that we can both grow and go together, is so encouraging. When we are faced with the truth of God’s word, and then accept it and apply it, life’s journey, both spiritual and otherwise, takes on both new and significant value.
Bruce is CEO of Envoy Financial where he blogs weekly. Be sure to visit Bruce's blog here.